i wonder what happened to the tree of life ?
i guess it died
let's think about this for a bit.
adam was tempted and sinned by eating of the fruit.
he missed out on immortality by being denied the tree of life.
i wonder what happened to the tree of life ?
i guess it died
now we know why the governing body of jehovah's witnesses cancelled all the major regional conventions of jehovah's witnesses for 2015 and are only holding smaller conventions at the jw assembly halls.
"imitate jesus" convention series australia schedule .
interestingly the first round of regional conventions are due this weekend in the jw assembly halls in sydney (new south wales), melbourne (victoria), and brisbane (queensland).
and this is gods one true religion ?
i went to the restaraunt in a small town where i work and sometimes live and there were some jws there for lunch break out in service.
it is amazing to watch the locals sit as far away as they can from the table of jws.
some actually sat at a near table then loved tables when they realized jws were sitting near them.
We have some family that are uber dubs. They are so protected from anything "worldly". Never worked a normal job, home schooled, Bethel.
do they play a banjo ?
my wife and i planned on fading but the elders now want a shepherding call and we are just done.
i know that many play the game to try to stay in, but i'm not a game player and neither is my wife.
our families already shun us because we reached out to a disfellowshipped family member.
dont do anything. when an elder makes contact--by phone or a visit---just say your working a lot more because you have money problems. then ask the elder for a loan to tide you over.
you will either--
never hear from him again
be a bit better off.
watching the royal commission hearing.
unreal and so damming to the jw judicial systems!..
what i would love is if someone could put together a 20 minute highlight reel of the most damming parts.
slightly off topic---
-----what happens at the end of this commission hearing ? how many months / years will elapse before the report and recommendations are published ?
from a report in today's canberra times:.
apparently, at one stage in his interrogation elder dino ali must have explained the following.. "mr ali told the commission he did not believe church law replaced secular law and said the organisation worked with legal authorities.".
read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/jehovahs-witness-elders-ignored-child-sex-abuse-rules-of-evidence-royal-commission-told-20150729-gimnwb.html#ixzz3hk3boosrelder ali's statement is not the real truth is it?
i'm just listening to this so called doctors testimony.
where did the watchtower dig her up from.
her answers have mostly been maybe's and i think!.
is applewhite a brand of white cider ? i like white cider.
a bit too much to be honest.
so by now most of us have seen the clip of an elder getting owned by the attorney regarding why they don't seem to care for the children outside of the congregation by refusing to report suspected child abusers.
if not, here's a link:.
are we likely to see a definite drop in new bible studies , interest in the religion ,a drop in meeting attendance ,especially in lands where this is widely reported ?
or even an exodus from many in the congregations who may view this as the last straw ?.
their have only been 3 days of this inquiry so far and the incompetence of the elders to articulate their position is painful to observe , they are ignorant to the extreme .showing a total disinterest in the whole proceedings.. when questioned , they have not bothered to understand the purpose of the commission , nor read any of the previous days proceedings ,nor have they bothered to read the victims statement ,and have shown a total disregard for the whole procedure .. surely any thinking person with half a brain would back away from any involvement with this religion .. i am overjoyed that this inquiry is getting worldwide media attention ,i hope you are too .. i commented on an article in ghana africa that ran with this story , so the sexual abuse of children within the jehovah`s witness organization is getting worldwide coverage .. what do you think ?.
The very same way you people were kicked out
ha ha---right. i resigned from the cult in 1971----because i wasnt going to risk denying my kid a blood transfusion---and i didnt believe in a god anyway.
and i still dont.